What does it mean to develop a brand identity

written by

Nemanja Baukov

Brand design

Let's make it memorable.

Building a brand isn’t just about a logo, a slogan, or flashy visuals. It’s about creating context—something that resonates deeply with people and speaks to them on a meaningful level. We see branding as your opportunity to tell a story that sticks, one that gets under the skin.

Imagine scrolling through the chaos of the modern internet and suddenly coming across a website/logo/brand device that hijacks your attention. It’s so impactful that you’re compelled to share it or leave a compliment in the comment section. We agree, you don’t just hit share or comment on a whim.

Our goal is to create that kind of impression for our clients - to create memorable designs through visual language in combination with words, images, and videos. As Seth Godin says, “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” In this sense, a brand becomes a holistic experience—an ongoing conversation between the brand and its audience. A logo on a tote bag, a visual for social media, the look and feel of the website, typography usage in an email signature - everything matters and contributes to the “relationships” Godin describes.

The value of a brand is created at the intersection of the designer and the consumer, through their interconnected experience. We cater to a potential user's needs, they give us feedback, and then we improve it and send it back. This exchange makes every design process richer and products more desirable. Also, ensures shared understanding and alignment between the team behind the brand and us as their collaborators.

When brands tap into design like this, they’re not just selling a product - but a journey, a whole vibe that people want to be part of.

We first found Direction for ourselves, and then for others

Over 10+ years of working together, we’ve seen brand elements such as logos, typography, color schemes, brand devices, patterns, and more used in countless ways. And it’s not just one team: business, product, marketing, sales, customer support, and others all have their hand in it.

That’s why we’ve fine-tuned our process to transform your ideas into visuals that captivate with both beauty and functionality.

After meeting with stakeholders and gaining a complete understanding of the brand we’re building, we focus on keeping things simple by delivering exactly what’s needed—and sometimes even more. We believe great decisions come from collaboration, building a shared understanding, and questioning every choice, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

And hey, we’re not here to count meetings. We iterate as we go because good ideas need room to stretch.

This is why we have learned to navigate the chaotic and unstructured aspects of the creative process, guiding our clients through structured questions toward solutions that are visually appealing and resonate with the essence of their ideas.

We’re in the business of asking, not guessing

Before you start working on solutions, it’s worth considering a few questions. Let’s sum it up like this:

  1. What is your brand's core message, and what do you want your design to achieve?
  2. How should your target audience perceive your brand?
  3. What emotions or ideas should your logo communicate?
  4. Are there specific industry constraints or inspirations we should consider?
  5. What design elements (logos, colors, typography) do you like or dislike, and why?
  6. Which adjectives best describe your brand’s personality (e.g., professional, bold, approachable)?
  7. Where will the design primarily be used (print, digital), and what aspects of your current branding work or don’t work?

Now, the real collaborative work begins

Once you've had a chance to think through our questionnaire, drop us a line, we’re excited to sit down with you and kick off the process. This is where the conversation starts. We’ll have more questions, and based on your feedback, we’ll start shaping ideas together. Then, we’ll refine everything, let you sit with it for a bit, and return for any final adjustments. While 'back and forth' can sometimes sound like a burden, it’s actually what makes collaboration so powerful in this case.

These are just the first few steps in getting to know you. It’s not easy, but it’s not overwhelming either—because this is where the value is created.

Let’s shape “expectations, memories, and stories”, and build your brand as a team.

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